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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
welcome to my corner of the web where i am happy to share my memories, interests & ideas, music and everyday thoughts about whatever comes into my life... While you're at this website All music, concepts, ideas & "dextrosoundlab" images (C)dextrosoundlab2010/socan/ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Find Gigs

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I am hard pressed to say why I have neglected my real music, and only spent time wanking away with a loop pedal and electric guitar... Even as I receive emails from my only fans who happen to be cbc producers out west, I make idle promises to compile some tracks and forward the masters to them, but once I sit down and start messing away, I look at the guitar, and end up twanging away, basically wasting time, every year or so, my flat mate who is a real guitarist compliments me on my progress, so maybe there is some progress...None the less, I waste my web space by uploading improvised snipets of my guitar lesson jams, just to keep the site active and current...but I ignore the stack of multi-track mixes, ready for mixdown and mastering....all of it is electronic and electro-acoustic drum & bass'ish stuff....The fact that I am not prepared to do anything live is holding me back, it's difficult to do a "Live P.A." performance alone, at least that's what's holding me back.
I need to find inspiration...but working a day job for a beastly corporation should be enough of a motivating factor to get me back on track...
Apparently I can make money programming synthesized sounds for people....a friend is encouraging me to consider an offer to do that....we'll see, maybe it would be fun to make money from designing original disturbing tones...
Maybe I should just shut up and get to work!!! Instead of whining about it on my blog that only I read lol(:>p)

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