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Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
welcome to my corner of the web where i am happy to share my memories, interests & ideas, music and everyday thoughts about whatever comes into my life... While you're at this website All music, concepts, ideas & "dextrosoundlab" images (C)dextrosoundlab2010/socan/ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Find Gigs

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The electronic music studio has been apart of my dreams and realities since 1995 when i first met a person who became my greatest musical influence.
We were both on welfare, and living in rented rooms in rooming houses near downtown Victoria, in British Columbia....life was good, but we went three years and could not afford to even buy new patch cords....so we made use of the synthesizers and basic gear that my friend had....it wasn't until I moved away to Saint John New Brunswick when i actually bought myself my first gear that was all mine!

Here iam around 15 years later, and i have presently moved all my studio toys to a new one bedroom apartment, and all i have had the energy to unpack was my electric guitar and a half dozen effect pedals.

I don't know if i am going to be able to set up my studio the way i have had it set up for the past decade, with a dedicated room for only music....now i will have to regress back to the days where i had a studio set up in my bedroom.

I will still aspire to one day have the space to have my studio set up some what permanently, but until then, this will have to do.

I love photo's of the electronic studio's from bygone era's like the one pictured above, which is outfitted with 'EMS' synth's....it is probably a British location, since those synth's were marketed mainly in the United Kingdom.

I like to think that I am carrying on the tradition of the outsider hidden away with magical electronic equipment experimenting with the science and physics of sound engineering....and for now, i will be content with my lack of space, and somehow relearn how to share my bedroom with my studio.

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